Bear Dens: Spotting and Avoiding Winter Habitats

Jen BaileyNature & Wildlife, News Alert

As the temperatures have plummeted and snow has covered much of the state in January, most bears have found a cozy den until warmer weather arrives. This natural behavior allows them to endure periods of scarce food availability. While bears’ denning habits vary depending on location, weather, and food resources, most have now found a cozy spot to rest through …

Weather in Space

Michael EckertIssue 117, Lake Anna Info, Lake Anna Weather, The Breeze™

Thunderstorms, tornadoes, blizzards and heat waves are of no concern to the forecasters at the Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) in Boulder, Colorado. This is a group of very specialized scientists that are more interested in such things as the solar wind, geomagnetic and radiation storms, and radio blackouts. The SWPC provides real-time monitoring and forecasting of solar and geophysical …

Winter Storm to Bring Treacherous Travel and Wintry Mix to Lake Anna Area

Michael EckertFeatured, Lake Anna Weather

Lake Anna Weather is brought to you by Michael Eckert. To keep up to date with this storm and other weather alerts, join Lake Anna Weather here. As central and northern Virginia brace for an approaching winter storm, residents and visitors to Lake Anna should prepare for challenging travel conditions starting Sunday evening into Monday. While the weekend begins quietly, …

From Struggle to Stability: The Journey Home

Barry SchaefferFeatured, Issue 116, Lake Anna Info, The Breeze™ 2025

More than a decade ago, Louisa County resident Debbie Reed noticed many people struggling without basic resources. She believed something had to be done to help these individuals rebuild their lives. This belief led to the creation of The Journey Home (TJH). With the help of her husband, retired physician Ed Reed, Debbie reached out to government agencies, philanthropic groups, …

[PHOTOS] Mike Cleaves Reclaims the Blue Ribbon at Lake Anna’s Lighted Boat Parade

Jen BaileyLake Anna Info, Spotlight

Photo thanks to Carol Barker Wyatt, John Heishman and Aaron Blount from Lake Anna Photography Lake Anna, VA – The Lake Anna Business Partnership’s highly anticipated Lighted Boat Parade illuminated the water on Saturday, December 7th, showcasing an array of dazzling, holiday-themed vessels. Leading the pack was local legend Mike Cleaves, who secured first place with his latest electrifying creation, …

Winter Weather Forecast: What to Expect this Season

Michael EckertFeatured, Issue 115, Lake Anna Info, Lake Anna Weather, The Breeze™, The Breeze™ 2024

Several people have asked about the upcoming winter season and whether they should get ready for snow or prepare for another mild winter. The last three winters were very mild with temperatures well above normal and almost no significant snow. Our last big winter storm was Jan 2022 when around 12” of heavy wet snow blanketed the region. This was …

Louisa Schools Deliver $30,000 Donation to Support Grayson County’s Hurricane Recovery

Jen BaileyAll Articles, Featured, Louisa, Louisa County

In a remarkable act of kindness, administrators from Louisa County Public Schools (LCPS) journeyed across the state today to deliver a donation to Grayson County Public Schools (GCPS), totaling more than $30,000. The funds were raised through LCPS’s month-long October campaign, “Kindness for the Commonwealth,” aimed at supporting Grayson County in its recovery efforts following Hurricane Helene’s widespread damage in …

Upper, Middle, and Lower Basins: Understanding Lake Anna’s Watershed and Effect of Runoff

Michael EckertIssue 114, Lake Anna Info, Lake Anna Weather, The Breeze™, The Breeze™ 2024

Basin Map Courtesy of Randy Thomas. Consensus seems to agree that the Upper part of Lake Anna is defined as the area above the Splits. This border is from just below Rose Valley to the State Park. The Middle is from the Splits to around the Power Plant, and the Lower is below the Power Plant. The Watershed (see map) …

First Frost/Freeze at Lake Anna

Michael EckertLake Anna Info, Lake Anna Weather

Now that we are solidly into the Fall Season, the next question is when will our first frost or freeze occur? The term “frost” is used in describing the process of ice accretion or deposit upon things outside when the air temperature drops to or below freezing (32 deg F or 0 deg C).   Frost is basically the cousin of …