Some of us, myself included, have decided to read more books in 2025. My New Year’s Resolution. As you are considering your list of must reads, let me tell you about 2 books that literally have the power to change your life. Food, What The Heck Should I Eat? By Dr. Mark Hyman The no-nonsense guide to achieving optimal weight …
Unlock Wellness: Beyond Autoimmune Symptoms
The other day, I heard one of the saddest statements I have ever heard from a client: “My body is against me.” It broke my heart. It literally brought tears to my eyes. If we’re being truthful, lots of people feel that way. It seems that no matter what we try—whether it’s to feel better, lose weight, get better sleep, …
If You Suffer from Fatigue, Foggy Brain, Joint Pain, Skin Issues… You May be on the Autoimmunity Spectrum
Clients come to me with a whole host of issues they are suffering from – including fatigue, difficulty losing or gaining weight, chronic constipation or diarrhea, feeling cold all the time, foggy brain, joint pain, food sensitivities, skin and gut health issues… and the list goes on! Most people believe (or are even told by the medical profession), that these …
Boost Your Immunity with Nutrient-Rich Foods
As we head into the colder fall and winter months, you may be thinking about flu season and that dreaded COVID. But you aren’t powerless! When it comes to strengthening our immunity, what we eat truly matters. Food is simple yet powerful. Everything we take into our body either strengthens or weakens our immune system. We either absorb the nutrients …
Better Sleep: Simple Ways to Boost Melatonin Naturally (for Children and Adults!)
Restocking hormones, processing toxins, repairing tissue, fighting infections, and processing heavy emotions – this all happens in your sleep! And when you don’t get a good nights sleep, it can really make an impact on your overall health. Deep in the center of the brain, we have our pineal gland. This gland secretes a neurotransmitter and hormone called melatonin. This …
Essential Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Anytime you see the word essential as it pertains to a nutrient, it means your body can not produce that nutrient on its own. It has to be taken in through food or supplements. Omega-3 is absolutely “essential” for good health. Having low levels of Omega-3 has been associated with increased inflammation, low energy, depression, weakness, vision and learning problems, …
Berries! One Of the Healthiest Foods You Can Eat
Berries are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, prebiotics, and antioxidants, offering more antioxidants per calorie than any other fruit. Antioxidants are essential for fighting free radicals, which contribute to aging, cancer, and inflammation. Eating clean, including organic produce when possible, helps reduce free radicals. One way to decrease free radicals in the body is to eat as clean as possible. …
Decoding Detoxification: Toxins, Nutrition, Exposure
Toxins: the buzzword that’s permeating conversations and creeping into our daily routines. From skincare to household cleaners, these insidious substances seem to lurk around every corner, prompting questions and concerns about their potential impact on our health. But amidst the chatter and confusion, there’s a pressing need for clarity and action. How should we respond to the omnipresence of toxins? …
Fats and Oils: an Easy Step Towards Better Health
You have seen it in the news, Facebook, magazine articles, Instagram, commercials, TV – everyone telling you what to eat and what not to eat to be healthy. Ayayay! It’s no wonder we are all confused and a little skeptical. One of the most damaging of these “expert health advice crazes” was the fat-free push. After all, it’s fat that …
Running from a Lion? 7 Ways to Rapidly Destress
In the face of life’s constant challenges, stress has become an unwelcome companion for many, impacting health and well-being in our daily lives. In many ways, our bodies and minds react as if we were running from a lion. Medical research indicates that 90% of illness and diseases is related to stress, according to the NASD; stress interferes with our …