Ever since She Sheds became ‘a thing’, I have wanted one. And when my seashells started overtaking the man cave garage, the need became a little more imminent. Hence, the purchase and finishing and decorating of my new She Shed, which has inspired a very special contest… and the first of its kind! Follow my She Shed progress as it …
Igniting Value: Fiery Investments Into Lake Anna Homes
Fire has long been revered for its primal allure and practical utility, and incorporating it into outdoor spaces can significantly elevate a property’s value proposition. Whether it’s a charming firepit or an elegant fireplace, these features not only enhance aesthetics but also create an inviting ambiance that resonates with prospective buyers. Beyond their enchanting glow and cozy warmth, firepits serve …
Keeping it Real: From Digesting Rates to Diving In
Maybe we just needed a minute… rates didn’t get historically high, they just got higher than what we got used to, causing this “all-of-a-sudden” perception of housing unaffordability, when in reality, things were just balancing themselves back out. Or were they? The Federal Reserve Members (the stuffed shirts we call ‘The Feds’) are faced with a delicate do-si-do of balancing …
From Water Rescues to Waterfront Homes; Meet Jacey Orion Netzer
Sponsored by The Orion Home Group Jacey Orion Netzer has embarked on a journey to redefine integrity in real estate with her practice, The Orion Home Group. Jacey’s story is one of diverse experiences, from being a successful hairdresser and restaurant owner to a water rescue volunteer and scuba diver. Her roots in a small town near Hershey, Pennsylvania, shaped …
Short-Term Rental Update: Louisa Co. Passes Ordinance
Where do we even start with this controversy? Can we blame it on COVID? Possibly! Let’s face it, COVID ignited a real estate boom here at Lake Anna. When working from home became the new normal, DC and Northern Virginia commuters found themselves buying that lake house sooner than they thought they could or would be able to. Many of …
[Real Estate] Trends of 2023: Niche Markets and Mortgage Musings – Let’s Dance in the Rain!
By Tiffany Hazelwood As 2023 comes to a close, one of the biggest things we will happily bid farewell to will be the fickle fate of mortgage rates! When the ball drops at midnight, join me in raising a glass to a more forgiving 2024! But let’s take a look at where we’ve been as an indication of where we’re …
Understanding the Short-Term Rental Regulations at Lake Anna, for Property Owners
Short-term rentals offer an appealing prospect for Lake Anna homeowners, presenting an avenue for generating extra income, boosting local economic activity, and facilitating the enjoyment of the area by numerous families annually. While this arrangement seems promising, there are potential considerations to weigh. For local residents, the operation of short-term rental properties could potentially introduce additional vehicular activity on roads …
[Real Estate] Is Lake Anna an Anomaly in an Otherwise Stagnant Market?
By Tiffany Hazelwood, Associate Broker, Lake Homes Realty Wait, is the market stagnant? Debbie Downers who are only focused on higher-than-recent interest rates, but lower-than-historically-high interest rates would say yes. But supply-and-demand actualities reveal that there are still more buyers than homes for sale (in most markets), and with lake homes being second homes for a lot of owners, there …
[Real Estate] $106 Million Sold since January 1st.
Lake Anna Real Estate: Vanishing now… Wait, where did it go? Sit down for this one. A whopping $106,052,882.00 of water-oriented residential real estate has changed hands at Lake Anna, year to date. This includes waterfront homes, waterfront land, water-access homes and water-access land, but does not include new construction homes whose value will not hit the market until they …
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