In an unexpected turn of events, The Lake Anna Hideaway, a beloved local hangout off Route 208, has experienced an abrupt closure. Celebrated and loved by locals for its low-key atmosphere, affordable drinks, and menu favorites, had to shutter its doors suddenly due to a plumbing issue.
“It wasn’t just a place to get a drink after a hard day…” Hideaway regular, Amy Lou Beebe recalls after hearing the news of its closing.
Many locals didn’t anticipate the news that awaited them that day. It was the day their favorite (and only local) dive bar would close for good. In its place, a new 2-story restaurant will be constructed by the property owner, Puneet Ahluwalia.
“I woke up and as I sipped on my coffee. I got the news. My dive bar was closed,” said Beebe. “This place wasn’t just a bar. It wasn’t just a place to get a drink to help after a hard day or after a great day. Wasn’t just walls, stools, tables and floors. This place was a dwelling that saw many people become friends. Family. This place became a structure that held many memories that saw a lot of hurt, happiness, celebrations, laughs, cries and just plain life events that we all endure as moms, dads, sisters, brothers, grandmas, grandpas, cousins and so forth.”
ovingly called the “Hidey,” “Holeaway,” “Hideyhole,” and … “Diveaway”… The Lake Anna Hideaway endeared in the hearts of many here at Lake Anna. To the dismay of some for being a true-to-expression “Dive” bar, The Hideaway may have been, in the eyes of many, “falling apart”, but it held a very special place for locals.
Locals recall The Hideaway as a place of no judgment, a place to make new friends, something to always look forward to on the weekend… a place of occasional karaoke… and the place where everyone knew your name.
For a full photo experience, join the Facebook photo group: Lake Anna Hideaway Photo Memories.
Hi! I’m Jennifer Bailey and I partner with entrepreneurs who have massive ideas that could change the world. Most marketing is meaningless. Filled with empty promises, its only job is to bring in new traffic, new leads, and new customers. But I’ve drawn a line in the sand, and I’ve learned that marketing can do so much more than reach business goals and build profit. My methods give businesses the fire and soul they need to reach the right people, set the groundwork for sustainable relationships, and offer true value to the people on both the giving and receiving ends of marketing.
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In an unexpected turn of events, The Lake Anna Hideaway, a beloved local hangout off Route 208, has experienced an abrupt closure. Celebrated and loved by locals for its low-key atmosphere, affordable drinks, and menu favorites, had to shutter its doors suddenly due to a plumbing issue.
“It wasn’t just a place to get a drink after a hard day…” Hideaway regular, Amy Lou Beebe recalls after hearing the news of its closing.
Many locals didn’t anticipate the news that awaited them that day. It was the day their favorite (and only local) dive bar would close for good. In its place, a new 2-story restaurant will be constructed by the property owner, Puneet Ahluwalia.
“I woke up and as I sipped on my coffee. I got the news. My dive bar was closed,” said Beebe. “This place wasn’t just a bar. It wasn’t just a place to get a drink to help after a hard day or after a great day. Wasn’t just walls, stools, tables and floors. This place was a dwelling that saw many people become friends. Family. This place became a structure that held many memories that saw a lot of hurt, happiness, celebrations, laughs, cries and just plain life events that we all endure as moms, dads, sisters, brothers, grandmas, grandpas, cousins and so forth.”
ovingly called the “Hidey,” “Holeaway,” “Hideyhole,” and … “Diveaway”… The Lake Anna Hideaway endeared in the hearts of many here at Lake Anna. To the dismay of some for being a true-to-expression “Dive” bar, The Hideaway may have been, in the eyes of many, “falling apart”, but it held a very special place for locals.
Locals recall The Hideaway as a place of no judgment, a place to make new friends, something to always look forward to on the weekend… a place of occasional karaoke… and the place where everyone knew your name.
For a full photo experience, join the Facebook photo group: Lake Anna Hideaway Photo Memories.
Hi! I’m Jennifer Bailey and I partner with entrepreneurs who have massive ideas that could change the world. Most marketing is meaningless. Filled with empty promises, its only job is to bring in new traffic, new leads, and new customers. But I’ve drawn a line in the sand, and I’ve learned that marketing can do so much more than reach business goals and build profit. My methods give businesses the fire and soul they need to reach the right people, set the groundwork for sustainable relationships, and offer true value to the people on both the giving and receiving ends of marketing.