…Airne’s eyes burst open, yet darkness was all he could see. The glimmering candles set aside his bedpost, once so vibrant with life, were reduced to mere puddles of wax, molten from the wick’s radiant heat. Propped up onto his forearms, he scanned the darkness, searching…for something. From his dreams, a sense of impending dread invaded his thoughts and tore his consciousness from that blissful oblivion. From the narrow hallway, a knock, another, more still. Each was accompanied by a terrible sound of splintering wood, each crack growing louder, more present against the ambient silence…. Splintered shards fell to the floor as the trickle of light became a rushing torrent. A toothless grin burst through the barricade. In a single motion, Airne flung himself from his bed, casting a sheet over the attacker’s head. Ignoring the flailing spectre’s comical visage, Airne grabbed a handful of feathers and the ivory shaft accompanying them. His racing heart beat once, twice, before the man sliced through the sheet, turned his sword, and dove for the prince…
The novel is available in both print and Kindle format through Amazon.com. Link: https://a.co/d/4rFYFRI

Hi! I’m Jennifer Bailey and I partner with entrepreneurs who have massive ideas that could change the world. Most marketing is meaningless. Filled with empty promises, its only job is to bring in new traffic, new leads, and new customers. But I’ve drawn a line in the sand, and I’ve learned that marketing can do so much more than reach business goals and build profit. My methods give businesses the fire and soul they need to reach the right people, set the groundwork for sustainable relationships, and offer true value to the people on both the giving and receiving ends of marketing.
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latest articles
Feeling Tired? You Might be Low in Magnesium

PSA About Your PSA (Prostrate Specific Antigen)

Beau’s Perspective: A Tale of Two Lakes

Rocco and Ruby

Local Art: Gorillaz Meet Tank Girl

Lake Anna’s Microclimate: Warm Water Influence

…Airne’s eyes burst open, yet darkness was all he could see. The glimmering candles set aside his bedpost, once so vibrant with life, were reduced to mere puddles of wax, molten from the wick’s radiant heat. Propped up onto his forearms, he scanned the darkness, searching…for something. From his dreams, a sense of impending dread invaded his thoughts and tore his consciousness from that blissful oblivion. From the narrow hallway, a knock, another, more still. Each was accompanied by a terrible sound of splintering wood, each crack growing louder, more present against the ambient silence…. Splintered shards fell to the floor as the trickle of light became a rushing torrent. A toothless grin burst through the barricade. In a single motion, Airne flung himself from his bed, casting a sheet over the attacker’s head. Ignoring the flailing spectre’s comical visage, Airne grabbed a handful of feathers and the ivory shaft accompanying them. His racing heart beat once, twice, before the man sliced through the sheet, turned his sword, and dove for the prince…
The novel is available in both print and Kindle format through Amazon.com. Link: https://a.co/d/4rFYFRI

Hi! I’m Jennifer Bailey and I partner with entrepreneurs who have massive ideas that could change the world. Most marketing is meaningless. Filled with empty promises, its only job is to bring in new traffic, new leads, and new customers. But I’ve drawn a line in the sand, and I’ve learned that marketing can do so much more than reach business goals and build profit. My methods give businesses the fire and soul they need to reach the right people, set the groundwork for sustainable relationships, and offer true value to the people on both the giving and receiving ends of marketing.
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latest articles
Feeling Tired? You Might be Low in Magnesium

PSA About Your PSA (Prostrate Specific Antigen)

Beau’s Perspective: A Tale of Two Lakes

Rocco and Ruby

Local Art: Gorillaz Meet Tank Girl

Lake Anna’s Microclimate: Warm Water Influence

Can Lake Anna Get Urgent Care? Why Medical Providers Say ‘No’
Article By Jen Bailey

The Cove Holds Steady to ‘Lake Time’ Amidst Local Development Boom
Article By Jen Bailey