By Beauregard McCoy, translated by Jim McCoy
W oof! It’s been a wonderful month at Lake Anna! I got to swim every single day – even when my pack-mom and pack-dad did their disappearing trick (more about that later). I also started eating a new food (which I love!) and last, but not least, I started teaching my two-legged pack family members how to speak “dog language”! Yep, you heard that right; my pack-family is starting to learn MY language!
So the first word I have taught them is “BahRoooo”. Loosely translated, this BahRooo means, “There might be somebody near our house or in our yard or in the street in front of our house!” Yep, that’s what BahRoooo means. You can try it yourself – just say “bah” which rhymes with “Ahhh”. Then say “Rooo” which rhymes with “mooo” like a cow. Put the emphasis on the Rooo part and there you have it!
! Sometimes my pack-mom and pack-dad trick me. I’ll be taking a nap and one of them will shout, “BahROOOO”. When they do that, I always start barking and race to the front door – only to find they fooled me again. You would think I would learn!
So…as previously mentioned, my two-legged pack-mom and pack-dad left again. They were gone for five sleeps – which is way too long in my opinion. The good news is that I got to stay with my Uncle Matt and Aunt Lisa. Matt and Lisa are two-leggers like my pack-mom and pack-dad and they have a cool pack-den. Best of all, they give me treats whenever I come over! Woof!
Sometimes when I am at Matt’s and Lisa’s, a couple of other two-leggers come over and bring a puppy that kind of looks like me. Also, there is a dog with curly fur that lives near there and she comes and plays with me sometimes as well. The bottom line? It’s good living at my two-legged aunt’s and uncle’s house. What’s even better, they are learning my language too!
All for now. A special woof! to all Lake Anna dogs and cats out ther. I have to run as there might just be someone coming down my driveway. BahROOOOO!
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By Beauregard McCoy, translated by Jim McCoy
W oof! It’s been a wonderful month at Lake Anna! I got to swim every single day – even when my pack-mom and pack-dad did their disappearing trick (more about that later). I also started eating a new food (which I love!) and last, but not least, I started teaching my two-legged pack family members how to speak “dog language”! Yep, you heard that right; my pack-family is starting to learn MY language!
So the first word I have taught them is “BahRoooo”. Loosely translated, this BahRooo means, “There might be somebody near our house or in our yard or in the street in front of our house!” Yep, that’s what BahRoooo means. You can try it yourself – just say “bah” which rhymes with “Ahhh”. Then say “Rooo” which rhymes with “mooo” like a cow. Put the emphasis on the Rooo part and there you have it!
! Sometimes my pack-mom and pack-dad trick me. I’ll be taking a nap and one of them will shout, “BahROOOO”. When they do that, I always start barking and race to the front door – only to find they fooled me again. You would think I would learn!
So…as previously mentioned, my two-legged pack-mom and pack-dad left again. They were gone for five sleeps – which is way too long in my opinion. The good news is that I got to stay with my Uncle Matt and Aunt Lisa. Matt and Lisa are two-leggers like my pack-mom and pack-dad and they have a cool pack-den. Best of all, they give me treats whenever I come over! Woof!
Sometimes when I am at Matt’s and Lisa’s, a couple of other two-leggers come over and bring a puppy that kind of looks like me. Also, there is a dog with curly fur that lives near there and she comes and plays with me sometimes as well. The bottom line? It’s good living at my two-legged aunt’s and uncle’s house. What’s even better, they are learning my language too!
All for now. A special woof! to all Lake Anna dogs and cats out ther. I have to run as there might just be someone coming down my driveway. BahROOOOO!
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