Stay Swing-Ready This Winter: Off-Season Golfing Tips [Sponsored]

December 18, 2024
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When the weather outside gets a bit too chilly for you to play or practice, there are still some things that you can do physically to stay on top of your game.

1: Work on your flexibility by stretching the areas most prone to use in the golf swing. Stretch your back, shoulder girdle, wrists, fingers, legs. This way, when you return to the game, your body will be ready to move.

2: Do some core exercises. If your core is strong you have the support system to accommodate the rotary forces, back motion, and balance required in the swing motion.

3: Make some practice motion golf swings with or without a club, and do them with speed. The faster you can make these movements, the easier it will be to incorporate some of this quickness into your golf swing.

You can find many of these movements on the internet, and YouTube even has videos that you can follow. Remember, the more that you put into this game, the more you will get out of it. Even if that’s just a pain free, fun round of golf.


When the weather outside gets a bit too chilly for you to play or practice, there are still some things that you can do physically to stay on top of your game.

1: Work on your flexibility by stretching the areas most prone to use in the golf swing. Stretch your back, shoulder girdle, wrists, fingers, legs. This way, when you return to the game, your body will be ready to move.

2: Do some core exercises. If your core is strong you have the support system to accommodate the rotary forces, back motion, and balance required in the swing motion.

3: Make some practice motion golf swings with or without a club, and do them with speed. The faster you can make these movements, the easier it will be to incorporate some of this quickness into your golf swing.

You can find many of these movements on the internet, and YouTube even has videos that you can follow. Remember, the more that you put into this game, the more you will get out of it. Even if that’s just a pain free, fun round of golf.
