My story begins at 17 years old when I awoke in the hospital.
My vehicle had been t-boned on a dark, shrouded cross street in Bakersfield, California. The accident left me lying on the road, rescued by EMTs… and the next thing I know I’m waking up a couple of days later in the hospital.
It was then that I learned the most important lesson of my journey: stories have power.
Stories have the power to change the minds and hearts of people. They can shape communities and bond cultures. My own story was just one of millions, but it had the ability to impact others and give them a deeper insight into the world around them.
My passion for storytelling led me to explore different mediums such as blogging, web development, and social media marketing. So fast forward to my college dorm room – and that’s where I started my first marketing agency.
Over time I molded my skills through trial and error. I started writing newsletters for nonprofits and then websites for business owners. I taught marketing classes for the Chamber of Commerce, the Small Business Development Center, and others.
One after another local organizations began to trust me with their marketing budgets, and I was able to use the power of their stories to help shape communities. As a result, my clients started to see real results. My first inbound marketing client gets millions of new website readers each year, and as a result, has grown their market share by 30% in 3 counties.
In 2009 I met the love of my life, David (Although you know him as the Pirate of Lake Anna), and together we raised his son, Kaleb. In the years to come, we had another four amazing, beautiful, adventurous (and sometimes a tad naughty) children, each with their own unique stories to tell.
One of the most rewarding aspects of my journey has been helping others share their own stories. From working with small business owners to non-profit organizations, I have seen firsthand the impact that storytelling can have on a brand or cause. It’s not just about selling products or services, it’s about connecting with others on a deeper level and creating meaningful relationships.
I have also learned that it’s important to not only share positive stories but to also shed light on difficult issues and struggles. By sharing these experiences, we can bring awareness and create change in our communities.
After a bit of hard work, I like to relax by spending some time in the kitchen or sitting down for a card game with the kids. I’m also a frequent Karaoke singer, and what better place to do that than right here at Lake Anna, Virginia, where we also love being out on the water as often as possible.
Lake Anna is in a special pocket of time; we’ve grown but we’re not done. Although I haven’t lived here at Lake Anna as long as many of you readers, I have the fervor and skills to help strategically guide our community into what we want it to be in the future.

I want to thank Jim and Mary Jo McCoy for doing such an amazing job with The Breeze™ over the past 5+ years. I am excited to connect with as many readers as possible and carry on the tradition of providing our community with a relaxed and uplifting monthly newspaper. Together, let’s create a vibrant and engaging experience for all!