Lake Anna 2023 Weather Roundup: a Year in Review from Michael Eckert

January 8, 2024
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Photo courtesy of Aaron Burden.

The big story for the year was the drought that developed late spring and worsened over the latter half of the summer into the fall. We are still on the edge of slight drought conditions, but that should disappear by mid-January. We had spurts of big rainfall amounts to dampen the drought in early summer. From mid-July through mid-November, rainfall was almost non-existent. Tropical Storm Ophelia brought 3-5” of rainfall to the region in late September, which put a significant dent into the drought and saved us from much worse drought conditions.

The drought lowered the lake by about 14” below full pool by late November, and then 3 big rain events from late November into December filled the lake back up. Since the rains began on November 22, 2023, much of the Lake Anna area has received around 10” of rain.

Severe weather (winds, hail & tornadoes) occurrences were quite low. From my 31 years in Virginia, I thought the number of thunderstorm days was well below normal. One event was in April when several hail storms moved through the region. In June a thunderstorm produced a funnel cloud that moved over mid-lake.

I personally measured 40.49” of rain/melted snow for the year, which is just a bit below the normal of around 45”.

Snow was almost non-existent, but we saw a coating on the back edge of the December 11th storm.

Here are the biggest rainfall days of the year, measured at LKA HQ:

  • 2/13/23 – 1.57”
  • 4/7/23 – 1.09”
  • 4/28-29/23 – 3.32
  • 6.22/23 – 1.22”
  • 6/25/23 – 1.02”
  • 7/10/23 – 1.03
  • 7/16/23 – 1.48
  • 9/23-23/23 – 3.05
  • 11/22/23 – 2.61”
  • 12/11/23 – 2.32”
  • 12/18/23 – 1.71”


Photo courtesy of Aaron Burden.

The big story for the year was the drought that developed late spring and worsened over the latter half of the summer into the fall. We are still on the edge of slight drought conditions, but that should disappear by mid-January. We had spurts of big rainfall amounts to dampen the drought in early summer. From mid-July through mid-November, rainfall was almost non-existent. Tropical Storm Ophelia brought 3-5” of rainfall to the region in late September, which put a significant dent into the drought and saved us from much worse drought conditions.

The drought lowered the lake by about 14” below full pool by late November, and then 3 big rain events from late November into December filled the lake back up. Since the rains began on November 22, 2023, much of the Lake Anna area has received around 10” of rain.

Severe weather (winds, hail & tornadoes) occurrences were quite low. From my 31 years in Virginia, I thought the number of thunderstorm days was well below normal. One event was in April when several hail storms moved through the region. In June a thunderstorm produced a funnel cloud that moved over mid-lake.

I personally measured 40.49” of rain/melted snow for the year, which is just a bit below the normal of around 45”.

Snow was almost non-existent, but we saw a coating on the back edge of the December 11th storm.

Here are the biggest rainfall days of the year, measured at LKA HQ:

  • 2/13/23 – 1.57”
  • 4/7/23 – 1.09”
  • 4/28-29/23 – 3.32
  • 6.22/23 – 1.22”
  • 6/25/23 – 1.02”
  • 7/10/23 – 1.03
  • 7/16/23 – 1.48
  • 9/23-23/23 – 3.05
  • 11/22/23 – 2.61”
  • 12/11/23 – 2.32”
  • 12/18/23 – 1.71”
