Woof! I love balls! Any ball! Big ball? A little ball? It doesn’t matter! I love balls.
I go outside every day and fetch balls in the lake. It’s my favorite thing to do! As a matter of fact, I start following my two-legged pack-dad around in the middle of the afternoon knowing that my time will soon come. Then my pack-dad says, “Okay, Beau…It’s our time.” Woof!
Recently, my pack-dad and pack-mom started getting me a different kind of ball. I don’t mind telling you that I was a little bit disappointed at first. The old types of balls were so very soft and chewy. They were so much fun to chew. I could sit down and tear one into pieces in a matter of minutes. I loved those balls! But, as hard as I try, I cannot seem to chew up the new balls.
At first, I was a little bit sad. I missed the process of chewing up the old balls. But then, I discovered something really cool! The new balls can be seen when it’s dark outside! Yep! You guessed it – I can play fetch at night! In the lake! Woof!
I recently found one of my old balls. I got comfortable and chewed that ball to pieces remembering the good old days of the soft, chewy balls. It was fun…and I think I did a decent job on it. Given the choice, I don’t think I would go back to the chewy balls. It’s too much fun swimming at night.
(Editor’s Note: It was getting a little too expensive ordering dozens of tennis balls at a time. We finally found a wonderful, chewy, glow-in-the-dark ball that is almost indestructible. Beau says they’ll be just fine.)

Hi! I’m Jennifer Bailey and I partner with entrepreneurs who have massive ideas that could change the world. Most marketing is meaningless. Filled with empty promises, its only job is to bring in new traffic, new leads, and new customers. But I’ve drawn a line in the sand, and I’ve learned that marketing can do so much more than reach business goals and build profit. My methods give businesses the fire and soul they need to reach the right people, set the groundwork for sustainable relationships, and offer true value to the people on both the giving and receiving ends of marketing.
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Woof! I love balls! Any ball! Big ball? A little ball? It doesn’t matter! I love balls.
I go outside every day and fetch balls in the lake. It’s my favorite thing to do! As a matter of fact, I start following my two-legged pack-dad around in the middle of the afternoon knowing that my time will soon come. Then my pack-dad says, “Okay, Beau…It’s our time.” Woof!
Recently, my pack-dad and pack-mom started getting me a different kind of ball. I don’t mind telling you that I was a little bit disappointed at first. The old types of balls were so very soft and chewy. They were so much fun to chew. I could sit down and tear one into pieces in a matter of minutes. I loved those balls! But, as hard as I try, I cannot seem to chew up the new balls.
At first, I was a little bit sad. I missed the process of chewing up the old balls. But then, I discovered something really cool! The new balls can be seen when it’s dark outside! Yep! You guessed it – I can play fetch at night! In the lake! Woof!
I recently found one of my old balls. I got comfortable and chewed that ball to pieces remembering the good old days of the soft, chewy balls. It was fun…and I think I did a decent job on it. Given the choice, I don’t think I would go back to the chewy balls. It’s too much fun swimming at night.
(Editor’s Note: It was getting a little too expensive ordering dozens of tennis balls at a time. We finally found a wonderful, chewy, glow-in-the-dark ball that is almost indestructible. Beau says they’ll be just fine.)

Hi! I’m Jennifer Bailey and I partner with entrepreneurs who have massive ideas that could change the world. Most marketing is meaningless. Filled with empty promises, its only job is to bring in new traffic, new leads, and new customers. But I’ve drawn a line in the sand, and I’ve learned that marketing can do so much more than reach business goals and build profit. My methods give businesses the fire and soul they need to reach the right people, set the groundwork for sustainable relationships, and offer true value to the people on both the giving and receiving ends of marketing.
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