Beau’s Perspective: Ask Not For Whom the Ball Rolls

August 22, 2024
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Woof! I love balls! Any ball! Big ball? A little ball? It doesn’t matter! I love balls.

I go outside every day and fetch balls in the lake. It’s my favorite thing to do! As a matter of fact, I start following my two-legged pack-dad around in the middle of the afternoon knowing that my time will soon come. Then my pack-dad says, “Okay, Beau…It’s our time.” Woof!

Recently, my pack-dad and pack-mom started getting me a different kind of ball. I don’t mind telling you that I was a little bit disappointed at first. The old types of balls were so very soft and chewy. They were so much fun to chew. I could sit down and tear one into pieces in a matter of minutes. I loved those balls! But, as hard as I try, I cannot seem to chew up the new balls.

At first, I was a little bit sad. I missed the process of chewing up the old balls. But then, I discovered something really cool! The new balls can be seen when it’s dark outside! Yep! You guessed it – I can play fetch at night! In the lake! Woof!

I recently found one of my old balls. I got comfortable and chewed that ball to pieces remembering the good old days of the soft, chewy balls. It was fun…and I think I did a decent job on it. Given the choice, I don’t think I would go back to the chewy balls. It’s too much fun swimming at night.

(Editor’s Note: It was getting a little too expensive ordering dozens of tennis balls at a time. We finally found a wonderful, chewy, glow-in-the-dark ball that is almost indestructible. Beau says they’ll be just fine.)


Woof! I love balls! Any ball! Big ball? A little ball? It doesn’t matter! I love balls.

I go outside every day and fetch balls in the lake. It’s my favorite thing to do! As a matter of fact, I start following my two-legged pack-dad around in the middle of the afternoon knowing that my time will soon come. Then my pack-dad says, “Okay, Beau…It’s our time.” Woof!

Recently, my pack-dad and pack-mom started getting me a different kind of ball. I don’t mind telling you that I was a little bit disappointed at first. The old types of balls were so very soft and chewy. They were so much fun to chew. I could sit down and tear one into pieces in a matter of minutes. I loved those balls! But, as hard as I try, I cannot seem to chew up the new balls.

At first, I was a little bit sad. I missed the process of chewing up the old balls. But then, I discovered something really cool! The new balls can be seen when it’s dark outside! Yep! You guessed it – I can play fetch at night! In the lake! Woof!

I recently found one of my old balls. I got comfortable and chewed that ball to pieces remembering the good old days of the soft, chewy balls. It was fun…and I think I did a decent job on it. Given the choice, I don’t think I would go back to the chewy balls. It’s too much fun swimming at night.

(Editor’s Note: It was getting a little too expensive ordering dozens of tennis balls at a time. We finally found a wonderful, chewy, glow-in-the-dark ball that is almost indestructible. Beau says they’ll be just fine.)
