Advertising Rates for The Breeze™

The Lake Anna Breeze™ is published monthly and circulated in the tri-county area surrounding Lake Anna with a print circulation of 3,000, and a digital circulation of 5,500+.

Ad Size & Location12x6x3x1xWxH 300dpi
Section Sponsor*$750.00$775.009.5×15.25″
Full Page$675.00$700.00$725.00$750.009.5×15.25″
1/2 Page$375.00$400.00$425.00$450.009.5×7.5″
1/4 Page$275.00$300.00$315.00$325.004.67×7.5″
1/8 Page$175.00$200.00$215.004.67×3.75″
Business Card (one time fee)$1,150.00$650.004.67×1.725″
Premium Positions12x6x3x1x
Inside Front Cover$175.00$200.00$225.00$250.00
Front Cover Sticky Note$1,000.00
Inside Back Cover$175.00$200.00$225.00$250.00
Back Cover Full$225.00$250.00$275.00$300.00
Back Cover Half$125.00$150.00$175.00$200.00

*Section Sponsorships are available at a minimum 6-month commitment for the following sections: Real Estate, Local Living, Dining, and Events.

**Sponsored Articles are published to resemble human interest content but are paid for by an advertiser and intended to promote the advertiser’s product or service. The purpose is to build authority for your business by promoting yourself non-intrusively. Our sponsored articles are combined with a business card-sized ad for maximum impact. Our writers can help you craft the article at no extra charge.

Optional Add-On: One-time Fee of $149 for ad design.

Advertising Rates for Lake Anna Online™

All advertisers get a sponsored Facebook posting once per month. Current Facebook reach is 5,500+.

One-time setup fee for all advertisers: $49; 3-month commitment, then cancel anytime.

Ad TypeMonthlyWxH
Featured Listing$39/mo
Small$79/mo1080x1080px 72dpi Renders Square
Large$129/mo760x1120px 72dpi Renders Rectangle
Video$149/mo1080×1080 mp4 Renders Square
Category Priority*$149/moany of the above
Featured Article**$349/ one time500 words or more

*Category Priority gives you top placement on your category page at all times. Available categories currently include Real Estate, Boat Services, Home Services, Food, and Weddings. First come first served basis.

**Featured Articles are sponsored content that promotes a product or service, featured on the homepage. The article allows for links to the advertisers website or landing page.

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